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Tuesday 23 April 2013

Top 10 Innovations in PeopleSoft 9.2 – 7 Guided Navigation with Activity Guide and Train Stops

 Activity guide and Train stops are powerful features introduced in the new release. It allows users to complete various steps of a transaction with lesser business/system knowledge.

The new feature will guide the user through various steps with colorful visual indicators allowing them to know at what stage of the transaction they are now. It also shows the various other steps that need to be completed to complete the full cycle. User can jump to various steps either by clicking on the next/previous buttons or by clicking directly on the step number.

To know more about activity guide/train stop navigation's and the application uptake, visit the oracle apps strategy blog given below.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Setting up Custom Welcome Message at PeopleSoft sign on page

Many a times at production systems we were badly in need for a welcome/outage message in the peoplesoft sign on page. This is heavily required if you have a scheduled maintenance every week and need to intimate this to the user in the welcome page rather than letting the users create a helpdesk ticket. There can be other cases where yearend processing is happening and the access to modules are restricted to users; in this event also the welcome message will be highly helpful.  With tools release 8.51 onwards PeopleSoft has brought in the option to configure display message via PIA itself.

Earlier people used to customize the html files to achieve this functionality. This is a highly risky process and only very limited people will be having access to the webserver and all these things together makes it a difficult task.

The login page which you see resides in a html file called signin.html in webserver located under the below directory.


If you open the html file you check for the portion below password box and put your custom message. Yes. It requires you to understand HTML and other scripting.

With the new feature brought in by PeopleSoft you can set your on welcome message without any code changes or technical knowhow. Peoplesoft has provided an online page where you can give your welcome message and the time frame to display that message. Another advantage is you can create a list of messages for each date time and set it once so that you need not login and set the message every time.

To access this feature, on the PIA navigate to: People Tools > Utilities > Administration > SignOn Event Message

Click on the plus button on the grid to create new message. If you are planning to edit the existing message, you can click on View/Edit hyper link.

On the secondary page which is displayed, you can provide your own welcome/outage message and also provide the timeframe during which the message should be displayed. Once you save it, you are done and good to go. Simple isn’t it?

Top 10 Innovations in PeopleSoft 9.2 – 8 WorkCenters and Dashboards

Business users doing repeated works might be tired of navigating to different set of components to complete one transactions. Also there are users who will run a PS query and based on the query result they will open individual transactions and correct the data. Imagine how tiresome and time consuming it is. Thanks to PeopleSoft for the new innovative Workcenters and Dashboard.

Workcenters is a single point where a business user needs to go and he can open/see all the transactions in the single place. He can also do a mass update on transactions. Create a transaction, run a process for that transaction, run another report out of it; everything from a single place.

Dashboards are another major feature where it will have a set of content rich pagelets which displays all the metrics analytics and other statistics which a user needs to be aware of. Moreover they can directly take an action from any of these pagelets. You never need to navigate (rather remember any navigation) to any other place with the help of these interactive and intuitive tools.

To read more on the applications that are delivering workcenter and dashboards read the below article from Oracle Apps strategy blog.

Top 10 Innovations in PeopleSoft 9.2 – 9 Actionable Operational Analytics

Top 10 Innovations in PeopleSoft 9.2 – 9 Actionable Operational Analytics

This is another simple but powerful innovation from PeopleSoft. The pivot grids in PeopleSoft enable you to create run time operational analytic or dashboards on the fly with much ease. These charts or grids can be put up in any place like homepage, dashboard, and transaction pages. It gives you the power of pivoting along with the colorful user interface.

To know more about the pivot grids delivered by peoplesoft visit the below link.

Are you interested with this brand new feature? Want to create a pivot grid of your own choice? Visit my earlier post on how to create pivot grids.

Top 10 Innovations in PeopleSoft 9.2 – 10 PeopleSoft Search and Related Actions

The bigger release PeopleSoft 9.2 is out in the market. Let me walk you through the biggest innovations in PeopleSoft 9.2.

#10 Navigations with PeopleSoft Search and Related Actions

PeopleSoft has integrated with SES search and did a revolutionary framework in case of navigations and searches. With the power of SES you could search your enterprise application just like you do googling. The SES is enabled at several levels namely component, transaction and globally. With global search you can search for any data in any module from the home screen and navigate to the corresponding transaction with a single click.

Related actions are the next set of innovations which help you to navigate smoothly. When you open a transaction, the PeopleSoft intelligently brings up a dropdown menu from where you can take actions or navigate to other related transactions with single click.
