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Sunday 30 October 2016

Three Simple Tips for Fluid Beginners

In this post I would like to share three “easy to implement” tips that will prove helpful in PeopleSoft Fluid applications development. I have selected the topics such a way that the development of each item discussed below could be completed within five minutes of time with proper knowledge, which otherwise would take a lot of time to be spent on css, pagelayouts, code debugging etc.

Tab Selection

The first topic I would like to explain is how you would be able to build tab selection buttons or button sets very easily in PeopleSoft fluid application similar to the one shown in the below picture.

Peoplesoft tab selection

You will be surprised to know how easy it is to create such tabs for your applications as well. The steps you have to follow will be as below.

Step 1: Create a field with translate values. Each translate value will be one of the selection option in the tabs.

Step 2: Create radio buttons for each translate value on the page you intent to show the tabs and wrap all the radio buttons within a group box of type “layout only”. Provide the style class “ps_button_bar” to the group box.

Step 3: Write peoplecode on the Field Change event. Here you could write the logic for selection of each value.

Step 4: Test the page. You are done with the tabs. J

Header Panel

The next easy to create item I would like to mention here is how a header panel can be generated on Fluid pages. The header panel in fluid design is a section on top of the page where high level information on the transaction can be mentioned. This is often used in conjunction with the left panel and is termed as the three panel layout.

Let us go through the steps to create a sample header panel for a PeopleSoft Fluid page.

Step 1: Add a group box to your main page. In the Fluid tab, set the group box type as “Custom Header Bottom”. Set the style class as “ps_apps_pageheader” and save the page.

Step 2: Put any other fields or labels you want to be the part of the header inside the group box you have created in Step 1.

Step 3: Test the page. Yes, your page header is already ready to be tested.
PeopleSoft Fluid Header Page

Setting the Page Title at Runtime

The last tip I would like to share here is how you could dynamically change your fluid applications title displayed on the fluid tool bar. By default PeopleSoft will be displaying the name of the currently displayed page as the title on the header. Once you tab across different pages within a component, the system will automatically change the title to the one defined on the component definition in application designer.

There can be cases where you would like to display some other information or live metrics as the title rather than the static text defined in the application designer. You could follow the below step to change the page title dynamically using peoplecode.

Step 1: On the page activate event, write the below people code. Replace the title with the one you would like to have – include variables, field values etc of your choice.

PTLAYOUT.PAGETITLE_GROUPBOX.Label = "This is my new Page Title";

Step 2: Test your application. Isn’t it simple?
