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Wednesday 20 April 2016

Creating a simple Two Panel Layout in Fluid

Two panel layout is one of the simplest and most needed layout in Fluid applications, especially in application where it requires more than one page to display the data. In two panel layout there are two parts to the page, a left panel which displays the master list or summary or title for a transaction and a right panel where the actual data is displayed. The left panel will be a collapsible one so that we get more space to display the detailed data on smaller form factors. Whenever you need to get details on other items on the master list, you can pull up the left panel and make the selection. Although this is the common practice, you could very well design your application to show other details or statistics on the left panel.

Let us see how we can build a two panel layout. Also please make a note that depending on the tools version 8.55 or 8.54 you have different methods to create a two panel layout. 8.55 version has the most simplistic and better solution for two panel layout. I will be getting into the details of how this can be created in 8.55 and may be try to provide some tips about getting this done in 8.54.

The steps to create a sample two panel application with navigation items on left and details on the right is as follows.

Step 1: Create a new page (of course of Fluid Type). Select the Default layout and name it as SIDE1.

Create new PeopleSoft Fluid page

Step 2: Go to the page properties, USE tab and select page Type as Side Page 1.

PeopleSoft Side Page

Step 3: Now create three more Fluid pages with name PAGE1, PAGE2 & PAGE3 with default layout option and save these.

Step 4: If you do not already have a record to show the links and push buttons, create one as you do for classic development. Here for example I have created a dummy record with two fields.

Step 5: Now open the SIDE1 page and create a grid with these two fields (one being push button and the other one display only).

PeopleSoft Grid

Step 6: Select the Push button properties, go to USE tab and check the property “Execute PC on Row/Group Click”. On the Fluid tab provide the default style name as “psc_invisible”.
PeopleSoft Fluid Tab

Step 7: Go to the Grid properties. On the General tab, select “Unlimited occurs count”. On the Label tab, uncheck all the check boxes. On the Use tab select “No Auto Select”, “No Auto Update”, “No Row Insert” & “No Row Delete” properties. Select the grid layout as “Original Flex Grid”.

PeopleSoft Grid Properties

Step 8: On the pages PAGE1, PAGE2 & PAGE3 put a static label “Page 1”, “Page 2” “Page 3” respectively to distinguish the pages. Later you can replace it with the actual application content.

Step 9: Create a component to include all these pages with INSTALLATION as search record. On the Internet tab uncheck “Display Folder tab”. Make sure “Fluid Mode” is checked in the Fluid tab of component property.

Step 10: On component Post Build event write a PeopleCode something like as provided below. You must be replacing it with your record and field names.

The idea here is to generate the list of links.

Local Rowset &rsLeft = GetLevel0()(1).GetRowset(Scroll.TWO_PNL_DVW);
&rsLeft(1).TWO_PNL_DVW.DESCR.Value = "Go to Page1";
&rsLeft(2).TWO_PNL_DVW.DESCR.Value = "Go to Page2";
&rsLeft(3).TWO_PNL_DVW.DESCR.Value = "Go to Page3";

Step 11: Write the application logic peoplecode you want to execute when the user clicks on the select button. Example code is provided below.

Evaluate CurrentRowNumber()
When 1
When 2
When 3

Step 12: Register your component and give necessary permissions.

Step 13: Test out your Two Panel layout sample application

PeopleSoft Two Panel Layout

If you are Tools 8.54 release, you have to create a page with layout PSL_TWOPANEL and create subpages for the side panel and detail panel and then place it under the correct group boxes. Also you may need to ensure that you are placing the sub pages on the correct level as well.
